Sunday, February 15, 2009

Three Months

So, they don't really have any adjustments left to make on my teeth, but I have to keep the braces on for 6 months post op. They should come off in April or May! I CAN"T WAIT!

I don't know how I ever wore braces so easily the first time around. Braces as an adult sucks. You get used to it because you have to, but once the count down is on the waiting just eats you alive.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Vera Wang Pajamas!!!

Because I have an eye disease I get very self conscious in pictures. As you can see, my eyes bulge out. Having a chin now helps with that feeling of "don't look at me". Anyway, I like this angle because it hides the bags under my eyes and makes my eyes look a little less protrusive.

I am constantly looking a new pictures of myself just to get used to what I look like. How should I smile now? Does my lip still look a little wonky? (I still have some lingering numbness which is not a bother at all, but can make for a funky smile.)

I don't know if anyone else thinks about these things. I know a lot of people get the surgery for medical reasons. My was to prevent some future medical issues, but also because I WANTED it. I wanted to have a chin and get rid of my huge overbite. Oh, and I am wearing my Vera Wang PJs in this pic. LOVE THEM!

It is weird to have to relearn what you look like.

Anyway, here is another picture. Getting sick of these things yet?

What I have learned...

From the front I don't look like I thought I would post-surgery, but I like it just the same.

From the side I am thrilled that I don't think about it anymore. People seeing my profile does not even cross my mind.

I can't stop touching my chin. 4 months out and I can't stop touching my chin. I just can't believe it is where it is.

Eating might never be the same. I chewed one way for 31 years and now I have to chew like a person whose molars line up. I thought it would be easier, and become second nature in no time flat. That has not happened yet. Also, I can't move my jaw forward at all so grasping things between my front teeth to open them or something is not possible.

Thankfully, scissors were invented a long time ago.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Shredded Lettuce

I love salad, and I can chew shredded lettuce, but the regular kind is a huge pain the ass! Lettuce is for chumps!