Thursday, December 4, 2008

Am I vain for posting so many pics? I hope not. I remember that before my surgery all I wanted to see was before and afters, and truth be told, I can't stop looking at myself. Not because I think I am stunning, but just because I look so....different. Anyway, for those who are addicted to before and after photos, here are some more.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Here I am about 2 months after surgery. Tomorrow will be two months to the day of when I went under the knife, or drill, or saw (take your pick). I have one before picture at the bottom of the page if you dare. My jaw it still stiff. It hurts to sneeze and yawn, and chewing is still a chore. I have a little pain where my jaw was cut (I only had bottom surgery and genio), but the jaw joints are the source of most pain. I totally think it was worth it though. I am much more comfortable with myself, and not having an overbite is great.

I will get rubberbands from the ortho on the 9th to bring my molars into place a little more. I now get to count down to getting the braces off and I suspect that will happen in March, April, or May.

I should use moist heat more than I am...I do find it helps. I still have swelling on the left, but it's mostly something I can feel and not something that is as visible as it is "feelable".

I'm taking it slow with eating, and when I do too much too fast...I can feel it. All i all though, I feel I am healing very well and am right on track. I had a very substantial advancement, so things are good for now!

I have a party to go to for work, and that ten pounds that fell off (and mostly stayed off) is paying off in my dress. : ) Silver Lining.