Thursday, December 4, 2008

Am I vain for posting so many pics? I hope not. I remember that before my surgery all I wanted to see was before and afters, and truth be told, I can't stop looking at myself. Not because I think I am stunning, but just because I look so....different. Anyway, for those who are addicted to before and after photos, here are some more.


Jen said...

I know how it feels to keep looking at yourself. I constantly check for changes.
You look great! thanks for posting the pics.

SinxDesigns said...

Very brave of you to post the before profile picture as I know how exactly how you feel having precisely the same chin and jaw issue.
But without that we wouldn't be able to appreciate the fantastic result you have had. Honestly, you now have a perfect profile and if they can do the same for me I would be more than happy.