Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jaw Rant that Barely Pertains to Me

I still think it is wild how many blogs there are out there dedicated to jaw surgery. I am now going to rant.

The insurance companies piss me off in that they don't cover these procedures, which for most people are medically necessary. To add insult to injury, my insurance covered my surgery 100% and I had minimal medical issues relating to my massive overbite.

It seems the Canadian bloggers have to wait longer for their procedures, but don't stress about the out of pocket expense as much. Go Canada!! :) I grew up on the border and have always had a soft spot for our neighbors to the north. The American bloggers on the other hand, many of whom are in considerable pain, have to fight for their right to a surgery that cures a condition and should be classified as a birth defect, all because it changes the appearance of the patient.

If you needed knee surgery because your knee was in pain, every time you took a step, all you would need is an MRI and a referral, but to get your jaw fixed you have to be ready to go into battle. It just really pisses me off.

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