Ok, so I am almost 7 months out. I get my braces off June 15th. Shoulda, coulda, woulda been in May, but one of the Orthos in the practice went on maternity leave. It's all good though. I still have some noise, and I do have stiffness on the left which is limiting my mobility and hurts a bit when I chew. I should be doing the exercises to loosen it up, but really, I am not even going to worry about that until after these things are off. I have had rubberbands for the last month, and though they are not too obtrusive, I'm not a huge fan of their presence. I am planning on getting a crazy looking retainer with glitter if I have my way. Here is a picture of me taken today. It's just a picture. I feel like I look normal, or I should say, my new look is now my normal look, and I don't think about my "before" too much anymore.
As you can see, I have "bulging eyes", which is a separate issue due to thyroid eye disease. I hope to have surgery to correct that in June or July.
I feel so much more confident now, and I am so glad that I did this!
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