Sunday, January 11, 2009


So to answer some questions:

Does it feel normal yet?
Nope. Not yet. But only when I chew. I can't open my mouth as wide as I could pre surgery which I think will get better with time. It seems to be getting better with time. I have a lot of noise when I chew, but each day my range of motion gets better and better. When I am not chewing it does feel normal. I can't stand to smile with my mouth open yet. My smile is cockeyed right now but I think that will get better when the braces come off and when all the feeling returns. I have two small spots that are still a little numb. Very much so that I don't really even notice them except for when I want to smile.

Would I do it again?
Hell yes! I would do it again in a heartbeat. I no longer spend all of my time thinking about my profile and that is a great feeling.

Was I scared shitless?
I was. Scared out of my mind. My heartrate was 114 until they put the drugs in me. I was fine though. The worst part was getting nauseated from the anethesia. The pain was not too bad, and the first few weeks without food were fine because I was so sore and swollen, I really didn't care. It is scary. Someone is cutting your mouth apart, but it truly was not that bad. My experience was a good one and not as bad as I thought it would be.

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