Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hump Day

Argh! Today was rough. Today I was tired and the left side of my face went numb and started to swell. WTF!I sent my Dr. an email to see if this is even remotely normal. The days still seem long, though with the rubberbands off they are so much more manageable. I can get my thumb in my mouth which seems like a lot. It feels like it is open so far, but really it's not. I am working on that though. The weird sensation is still there in my chin, and still driving me nuts. It feels like wearing a T-Shirt on a sunburn, but inside my chin.

The stitches are making their way out. This is good news as they looked gross and I was convinced that their was no way my mouth was going to heal. It seems to be doing ok though. I am hoping that the increase in pain and swelling is not an infection. The Dr. pressed on my incisions the other day and no puss came out. I am hoping that it is just your standard tenderness. My husband says I am sleeping on that side of my head, so maybe that has something to do with it.

Either way, I think I will be taking a Tylenol PM tonight and hitting the hay early!

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